Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who was Macbeth?

His full name was Mac Bethad mac Findlaich. He was once the king of Scotland, he was a mysterious king in Scottish history. As a 11th century king, we do not know much about this Macbeth, because most informations are misleading. What we do know is that, Macbeth has tranformed in the hands of William Shakespeare, in his scottish play "Macbeth". Although Shakespeare has changed the historical facts, but I'm pretty sure that Macbeth would be happy to see himself on our text book.

Macbeth's role

I think Macbeth is a great story, because Shakespeare not only showed us a interesting and intense story, but also went into character's mind, especially Macbeth. As the protagnist of the story, Shakespeare wrote more about him than anyone else. Most people think Macbeth is the source of evilness, but I think he is just a tool of evil. The person who are really evil are the witches. Remember, at the beginning of the story, Macbeth is just like Banquo, they both loyal to the king and they were good friends, but the witches' predictions break up this peaceful world. They lure Macbeth deeper and deeper to do the wrong things like killing Duncan then Banquo, he is not evil inside, it is just that, he is really confused, we can see that when he was about to kill Duncan, he does not want to do it, but the witches' predictions tell him that he can do it. He was just being used, that is why I'm saying Macbeth is the tool of evil but not evil itself.

Macbeth and King James I

Many people have read Macbeth and most of them think it is a great story, they think Shakespeare is a good writer, but what they do not know is that, Shakespeare wrote this story to please the king at his time. Most parts of the story is related to King James I, who was the King during Shakespeare's time. As a good reader, you must have seen Banquo for a lot of times, but do you know that King James I was one of Banquo's descendants to sit on the thone of Scotland. The castle which Macbeth used to held at the begining of the story is Thane of Glamis, do you know that King James I was once imprison at that castle? The story talks about witchcrafts, that is because the wife of Thane of Glamis is reported as a witch.
Now you see that the whole story of Macbeth is related to King James I, it has been made just to please the king. I do not like this kind of actions, I hope Shakespeare could made a story that is meaningful instead of just to please the king.

Relationship between Macbeth and Banquo

From the beginning of the story, MacBeth and Banquo are good friends. They live equal lives because they are both thanes. I think they both like each others very much, they admire each other's strength and fighting abilities. When the witches made the prediction on Macbeth and Banquo, they did not believe on it at first, but when the predictions became true one by one, Banquo still acts like before, but Macbeth's mind is totally changed, which result of Banquo's death. When Macbeth became the king, he has to slay Banquo because he is the only one that knows about the truth. They became enemies and eventually, Macbeth killed Banquo. I think Banquo is pretty stupid to stay with Macbeth, i believe he is a smart guy, he should knows that his family and himself are in danger, he should run away with his family and never return.

Witches' role in Macbeth

I do not like the witches in Macbeth. I think the witches are source of evil in Macbeth. If it wasn't those witches, how could Macbeth think of killing the king. He would be a loyal servent to king Duncan and his country. Without the predictions, there will not have anything like the mess Macbeth has made, the land of Scotland would be peaceful. It is those witches' predictions which make his mind insane. The witches are responsible for king Duncan's death. They are the ones that make Macbeth to do as their will, inorder to let Macbeth believe to them, they make the first two predictions true so that, Macbeth would be eagerly to become the king. These witches are the true murderers of Duncan. That is why I think the witches are source of evil in Macbeth.

Banquo's royalty

I do not think Banquo is loyal to Duncan. If Banquo is loyal to Duncan, he is supposes to report any unusual movements around the Scottland, but when the three witches predicted that Macbeth is going to be the king, he did not report this to Duncan, after the first two predictions become true, he still did not tell this to Duncan. Instead, he keeps this secret between Macbeth and him. Why does he do that? It is easy to figure out; because the witches also predicted that his children will be king after Macbeth.
If Macbeth really becomes the king, then as his best friend, Banquo can get a good position too. If nothing happens, then he can continue his life as a general of Scottland, another reason is that Banquo’s children are going to be kings, if the witches prediction is correct for Macbeth then the prediction must be true for him. He wants to see his kids to become the king. So that, as their father, he can get alot of benefits.
From these issues, I think Banquo is not loyal to Duncan, since he keep secrets from Duncan which cause his death and did not tell everyone about it is Macbeth who killed Duncan since he knows about it, he does not do what he was suppose to do. That is why I think Banquo is not a loyal servent to Duncan.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Roman Polanski

I watched Macbeth 1971 version movie. The directer of the movie is Roman Polanski, so I thought that, I could learn something about this guy. He is a award winning film maker, directer, writer, actor, I'm suprised that he is such a talented guy, then I found out he had unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13 years old girl. I am shocked...
my impression on him changed from admire to disrespect. How can such a guy continue make movies? We as the students watched a movie from a guy like this, is this right? When I knew about this, my impression on the movie dropped before I even watched it. I do not think any countries should even let this guy make any movies.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Banquo's son

Banquo has a son named Fleance, the movies ended when Macbeth has been killed and there is no sign of Fleance. Where is Fleance? Will he be the king? I think he will be the king, because all the predictions from witches are true, it must be true for Fleance too. The directer did not let Fleance shows up alot in the movie, I think Roman Polanski should put Fleance on the crown at the end of the movie. I think he was just trying to create some suspense at the end of the movie.